I am really tired of attempting to write a story. I wanted to write about you because this is the way we talk, isn't it? I thought of letting you know that I keep thinking about you. Then, I chose to stay quiet. A lot of things find meaning in silence, only if you are eager to listen. So, yes, I tried to write a very silly fiction in the form of letter. I thought instead of addressing it to you, I would address it to a friend. Although, you were also a friend.
Here I attach the incomplete fiction. I think, it wasn't even worth sharing. But you know, I could never even throw a worst line without showing it to you. I wish only once I could tell you (even in fiction) what you are to me.
A Fictional Letter
Dear friend,
I know you do not expect a letter from me, now when you have estranged yourself from everyone in our group. But I had to write you. I have been thinking about you lately and that how life has cheated on you badly. I know you are very introvert and you make friends with extreme caution. I heard about that incident and I felt so sorry for you. I am sorry I don't mean to hurt you. All I want to convey is, let yourself flow a bit and everything will begin to float on surface, at least those which are meant to survive.
I might have loved many. And still, it may be true that I don't know, what love actually is. All I know is, love gives you life, and reasons to live, not vice-versa.
Remember, being positive is not a choice, it's not a luxury. It is a compulsion, it is mandatory. It is like oxygen, when you really suffocate, you must take oxygen, whether you want it or not.
Remember, being positive is not a choice, it's not a luxury. It is a compulsion, it is mandatory. It is like oxygen, when you really suffocate, you must take oxygen, whether you want it or not.
I hope you will understand what I mean and cherish each moment as it comes because we have to live and we have to love till eternity.
With warm affection and love,
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