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Showing posts from September, 2010
Teach me to Love But first Teach me To endure the Fires Which I will meet in the Course 
No my poetry is not blowing horns, Its leaking of water Leaking internal thoughts drop by drop ................ No comfort I have in my bad days Save writing poems  One more Great relief except weeping. ................ Again dread of those dreadful nights Again a need of invisible hand I want him again who will not leave me even for a second... My own Imagination. .............. Oxygen Mask ! A new life ! Thank God! I can express if not in voice In words at least. ........ beats beats beats .... the world is beating I am losing some sense I am afraid "he would mind" I am afraid "I would disappoint them ... by losing sanity" I just want to be me..... Just me..... Just me..... And not what you think I should be. ......... hey! I have never taken your Mary Jane , Nor those doses of drinks but I can lose still My senses ... Its also an addiction.
No , dont come near Go away ! I had loved you I love you still But I shall not think of you always I shall not curse and find my faults I shall not Sacrifice now Not for sometime Though ... I know...  My ultimate destiny --- is Sacrifice.
Today is one more colorless night Is it cold ? Today is a cold night , I am sure... Moon is dark. Its Okay! Isn't it? It will be Okay , I am sure... I am sure it will be okay. Its just another night.
Death? - just a matter of laughter now a days. Twenty died in train accident, two died in a bomb blast, Hundreds and so ... in flood , And many do die daily ... Life? - cheaper than a grain So ... Death is more celebrated here.
In one of those nights When I am so close to myself When I am me - my soul And when you find me lost Come! look for me In that isolated place Where moon is low Touching the feet of sea One who is sleeping on the rock Look ! That is me.

Just be ....

White ocean Of darkness around us    Silence -  Mute Love ! Togetherness ... ..... !  Just Be ... ! And I want Nothing.

From Dawn to Dusk

From Dawn To Dusk So long the gap seems... Which afternoon fills up with her sleep After a hurried nap  When I wake up to drink Your First love  The filter-coffee ;  Which tastes as tasteless  As first I drank it with you But I love it Because it reminds of you And of your taste. And long nights When I wake after each hour To taste loneliness ,  As salty as you are And chant between every nightmare, "everything will be fine". At dawn, I walk alone on my terrace, Watch the world preparing for the day And I too prepare , For a long weary afternoon, Its short hurried nap, And Filter-coffee. At dusk, I walk alone on my terrace, Watch the world retire into pleasures, And I too retire, To sleep, Wake up at every hour,  Taste loneliness , Watch nightmares , And chant between them "Everything will be fine..." "Everything will be fine...".


Ambition for me means  - climbing mountain , painting your imagination , creating tune which resides in your heart , expressing an idea known to all human kind , serving people because you believe in serving and alike. I used to think I am not an ambitious person . But I have found what my ambition is ...