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Showing posts from November, 2011

a thing called Life...

Ok I can't keep it to myself :) Im so Happy these days Feeling like a Princess!!! I just love this thing about Life Its soooo full of surprises. I told ya I wanted to Feel , isnt it? I am Feeling. I CAN Feel. Aw God I can really. What I feel is so much love for a thing called Life. You know what I am feeling - that I have just woken up from a long disease and gone out in the sunshine. And the November Sun with its mild curative rays has healed me of the wounds life generally gives to its lovers. :) love!!

Scribbles addressed to The Anonymous

Is it what they call Life's Irony? What began with an Open Relationship Became so very Closed.

Scribbles addressed to the Anonymous

I could have done the things I always do But  perhaps I knew You fear the pain.

Scribbles addressed to an Anonymous

Some stories must need characters In others Anonymous fill the colors


And how people change. Change completely. Change not particularly for Good or Bad but just change. Coz They need to wear a shield or to come out of a suffocating cell. Change , to watch a sky more clearer, to feel the warmth, feel the joy of watching a butterfly. And how people change. An event, a scathing word, an accident, a movie can cause it. And oh people do change. Willfully, forcefully, or just like that... they change. I tried ... I found myself on the brink of this change. Became serious, more reserve, mysterious. Closed the book. Hid from glances. And could I change anything? Change the essential in me? ...thus life will be spent in waiting  I wait for the Change.

The Anonymous

Its been one year or so he stops at my blog n leaves comments. The comments kill me. Sometimes I know who is he. At other times I am just like a baffled cat. I think of old conversations. What went wrong? What was right , anyway?  A face without a face. A mere shadow creeping over my mind. Can I have any story with anonymous? And what if there is one? What sort of story it can be? A very romantic? Or mysterious? A tragic one? Let's just make out the possibilities... He is the one I am thinking of and I am the one he always thought of. Out of comments we come together and begin afresh. Despite the fact, I am still confused. Despite the fact, I don't want to go back. I am curious to know what's the end... Or may be the Anonymous is the one I would never want him to be. I hate even his shadow because it tells dark stories of my own heart. What if its not the one I expect. Expectations should not hurt. But why to expect? What else can I do? I am lost in the game. The ano

If only ...

I have so much so much to say to day If only you would hear it Far from here that way I have plenty of stars so many stars for you to day If only you would look deep deep into my eyes Out of the way I have number of melodies so many melodies to sing to day If only you would hear them in my silence... I have so much so much to say to day If only you would hear it Far from here that way If only you were here You could hear The words without words And could see silence shivering my bare soul... - Jeanie

Here's My Story

someone loved some one loved some one lo ve ed her some one lo ve ed her so much some one lo ve ed her so so much  some one lo ve ed her so so very much some one lo ve ed her in so so many ways And so thereby hangs a Tale !!

Two Hours for Soul

Two hours. Two long. Too much. Yet too less if I sit by a half-closed window and sun rays tickle my eyes play with my hairs and kiss my lips. Too less to thank God for all good he did.  Too less to observe the life as it flows.  Too less to love each moment as it passes by.  We run and run whole life and it is passed in a twinkling of an eye but our soul carries the imprints for eternity. The Soul was an empty vessel when it began its journey but the time allowed Soul to fill itself with pretty flowers, beads, gems and magnificent things. Whole life we keep on fulfilling the needs of body and neglect our soul. Wouldn't it be wonderful to pause for some minutes and give sometime to our Soul.  To observe the cycle of universe and feel yourself a part of it. To rise above the petty problems of the day and feel the magnificence of Being. To fly with imagination to the unknown worlds of fairies, kabilas, gypsies, forests, mountains, ocean. To let the Soul fly to the beauties

A wish : S.J

She had taken so many lovers. Love stayed , love flew, love had put on always new , new faces , but she was tired. She would ask gloomily looking at the falling snow, "why am I blessed with such a curse?" And I would only look into her pretty sad eyes. There was nowhere now the wish to be loved by other. Nomore the wish to fly. Nolonger the wish to live. But since life was a truth she couldn't deny, she wanted to live it in a humble penitence. In loving the nature, learning the art of healing, winning over passions... ah! but even sometimes a genuine wish can not conquer the human passions. A storm lay beneath the calm sea of her countenance. Hers was a story of passion and not penitence. Lives were waiting to write her story. Unconscious though she was of her destiny, every man is somewhat conscious of what lies ahead. Destiny reveals itself in the bouts of passion and countenance. 

my Own Being - S.J

She loved ugly. "Because we all have the dark side and which is not a  Madonna's beauty". But I was talking about the Night. I was lying down looking at his grotesque gestures while sleeping. But he is fine. I looked at the faded blue light  coming from a small window. A part of heart said , wake up , its the time to write. Another part said... and thus the heart utters two things and ditches very friendly. I miss her. I miss the old days when she was with me and we talked about heaven and hell , but mostly about the gap between. She loved ghosts and I would become one for her sometimes. Nostalgia. Is such an inadequate word. I miss her sometimes like my own being. 

And I am not so happy these days

And I am not so happy these days  For the happiness drinks me to the emptiness. Flowers become shrine for my love Love that was never so fresh And I am not so happy these days. Shadows talk to me in whisper Dark moments bask in sun rays And I am not so happy these days. When you hold me I drown into limbo Quiet is world , past says And I am not so happy these days.