IndiSpire Topic - What does happiness mean to you? Do you go looking for happiness? #Happiness
Look everything around for what makes you happy
Look back and know the moments that made you happy
Look Inside and find what Happiness is
To me it is
A gloomy-red sunset
A cup of ginger tea
A passionate novel !
Drizzling rains
Scooty long drives
A day-time movie in Hall !
To have a soulful talk
And spend time with loved one...
Happiness to me is an Attitude, you can wear it daily, and good if you do.
And truly, I don't go looking for it, because I believe its not a Thing placed Outside, it is something you Create. That is why, some people choose to be Happy regardless of any obstacle and problems.
What happiness is for you -
Reply in one word, a sentence, a couplet or in a few lines. Based on memory or fiction, whatever , but plunge in Happiness and you would just love it.
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