So it is about this Rat who has invaded our little home with a little privacy. For a days, we would set a trap and throw them out nicely. But one day, this new chap, or may be the old-experienced one entered our home and is still playing hide-n-seek. This is a real clever fellow. First of all, he is not at all greedy. What not we put up for him in the trap? A bite of chapati, then a tomato, and then the crumbs of bread- he will just not get affected. One day he entered into my room. Well, it was not one day. It was One night. You can imagine what happened then. lol. No, its not that, that I screamed, shouted, woke up all around in the range of few kilometers. No... I cursed him. I can't imagine it is a She-Rat. lol. I tip-toed out of the room, and slept or.. rather could not sleep that night. Aw... I can't tell you, since that day, I have begun to hate Rats in an altogether different way. The next morning, we all wondered on why the rat is not trapped yet. May be, he is not as greedy. May be he has become smart now. I suggested, He must be a Sanyaasi, must have left in taking food. But it was my brother who came out with an enlightening thought- "It is not a He-Rat. It is a She-Rat. A He-Rat can be trapped easily. He can not be this much clever." We were struck dumb. What a thought!
So, you see, we have a new member at home now. Although it is just a Rat, it has contributed immensely in keeping us awake while we study, give us an interesting topic to discuss, give us a chance to observe the other world of animals, and made me understand the psyche of a man! :D
So, you see, we have a new member at home now. Although it is just a Rat, it has contributed immensely in keeping us awake while we study, give us an interesting topic to discuss, give us a chance to observe the other world of animals, and made me understand the psyche of a man! :D