Thins around are really great! Preparing for exams. I dont know why it happens that whole year you would be able to study well but at last moment you just start hating books well atleast it is happening with me and I am just waiting for 12th may when I would be able to breathe in fresh air and that day I would be completing my Vanvaas :)
Today I had the practical of LS - Library science we have this compulsory subject. I would really like to share what happened with me in practical -
We got 1 - 1/2 hr for each section so totally we had 3 hrs. Now I wasted my 1 hr and made continuosly mistakes uuuhuuu I really got frustated and lost hope that I would be able to finish paper but at last thanks to God I completed my paper . Now tomorrow I have Viva .. Hope for the best!
Well I really like LS as a subject. My area of knowledge really got wide . I got to know some rare informations about libraries which hardly few people know. But just dont ask about LS lectruer He is one of the rarest person on this earth. :) llolzz a man's head with no understanding ! he should have been a scientist. Whateva!
Hope for the best!!! This is a difficult month! Month of the fever of exams !
Today I had the practical of LS - Library science we have this compulsory subject. I would really like to share what happened with me in practical -
We got 1 - 1/2 hr for each section so totally we had 3 hrs. Now I wasted my 1 hr and made continuosly mistakes uuuhuuu I really got frustated and lost hope that I would be able to finish paper but at last thanks to God I completed my paper . Now tomorrow I have Viva .. Hope for the best!
Well I really like LS as a subject. My area of knowledge really got wide . I got to know some rare informations about libraries which hardly few people know. But just dont ask about LS lectruer He is one of the rarest person on this earth. :) llolzz a man's head with no understanding ! he should have been a scientist. Whateva!
Hope for the best!!! This is a difficult month! Month of the fever of exams !